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Dr. Garber is a Urologist specializing in the following areas:

- Penile Implants / Impotence
- Prostate microwave treatment
- Prostate laser vaporization
- Cryo (freezing) prostate cancer
- CyberKnife® Treatment of Prostate Cancer
- Other Male Urologic Disorders
- Urology Expert Witness Services
- UROLIFT enlarged prostate treatment
- NEW: Penile Enlargement and Male Genital Cosmetic Procedures
- Urologic Instruments

Subspecialty Areas » Cryo (freezing) Prostate Cancer

Cryo (freezing) Prostate Cancer

Cryocare CS machine
Cryocare CS machine

Prostate cancer is extremely common, and many men are unsatisfied choosing between radiation and surgery. Surgical removal of the prostate is a major operation, and may result in impotence, urinary leakage, scar tissue, and other serious complications. Radiation therapy (external beam or radioactive seed implant) is less invasive; however, radiation may result in severe irritation of the bladder and rectum. Also, recent studies indicate that men who have received radiation for prostate cancer have a higher chance of developing rectal and bladder cancer in later years.

In order to offer men more choices, Dr. Garber has received special training and developed a subspecialty interest in prostate Cryo (freezing). Cryo is indicated for men with prostate cancer that is confined to the prostate. Cryo is also considered to be a treatment of choice for men with prostate cancer who have received radiation therapy (external beam or seed implant), and who develop recurrent cancer confined to the prostate.

Prostate Cryo by Dr. Garber
Dr. Garber (seated) completes a successful prostate Cryo procedure.

(To view a PowerPoint presentation on prostate cancer, focusing on
the option of Cryo, click here—Cryo seminar)

To see video-animation of a prostate cryo-ablation procedure, click here.

To read Dr. Garber’s published article on prostate cryo-ablation, click here.

To find out if you are a candidate for Cryo, call our office today to schedule an appointment.

Bruce B. Garber, MD
Box 686
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

610-613-9251 Phone

Cryo Freezing Prostate Cancer Treatment by Dr. Bruce B. Garber, MD, FACS

Dr. Bruce B. Garber

Box 686
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

610-613-9251 Phone

urologicsurgeons@comcast.net Email